Monday, May 24, 2010

Understanding Your IRS Notice or Letter

Understanding Your IRS Notice or Letter

About Your Notice

If you receive a letter or notice from the IRS, it will explain the reason for the correspondence and provide instructions. Many of these letters and notices can be dealt with simply, without having to call or visit an IRS office.
The notice you receive covers a very specific issue about your account or tax return. Generally, the IRS will send a notice if it believes you owe additional tax, are due a larger refund, if there is a question about your tax return or a need for additional information. .

IRS Notice Redesign

Currently, the IRS is in the process of redesigning and revising its correspondence with taxpayers for clarity, effectiveness and efficiency. To start, the redesign affects nine notices. The new format includes a plain language explanation of the nature of the correspondence, clearly states what action the taxpayer must take and presents a clear, clean design.

Redesigned Notices

Notice NumberDescriptionTopic
CP02HYou owe a balance due as a result of amending your tax return to show receipt of a grant received as a result of Hurricane Katrina, Rita or Wilma.Balance Due
CP08You may qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit and be entitled to some additional money.Additional Child Tax Credit
CP31Your refund check was returned to us, so you need to update your address.Refund
CP45We were unable to apply your overpayment to your estimated tax as you requested.Overpayment
CP53We can’t provide your refund through direct deposit, so we’re sending you a refund check by mail.Direct Deposits
CP120You need to send us documentation of your tax-exempt status.Tax Exemptions
CP130Your tax return filing requirements may have changed: You may no longer need to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax.Filing Requirements
CP139Your tax return filing requirements may have changed: You may no longer need to file Form 941 and Form 940.Filing Requirements
CP166We were unable to process your monthly payment because there were insufficient funds in your bank account.Payment Process
CP178Your tax return filing requirements may have changed: You may no longer owe excise tax.Filing Requirements

Other Notices and Letters

Notice or Letter NumberTitle
CP 11Changes to Tax Return, Balance Due
CP 11AChanges to Tax Return and Earned Income Credit, Balance Due
CP 12Changes to Tax Return, Overpayment
CP 14Balance Due
CP 21BData Processing Adjustment Notice, Overpayment of $1 or more
CP 22AData Processing Adjustment Notice, Bal Due of $5 or more, Balance Due
CP 22EExamination Adjustment Notice, Balance Due
CP 23Estimated Tax Discrepancy, Balance Due
CP 49Overpaid Tax Applied to Other Taxes You Owe
CP 57Notice of Insufficient Funds
CP 88Delinquent Return Refund Hold
CP 90/CP 297Final Notice - Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing
CP 297ANotice of Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing
CP 91/CP 298Final Notice Before Levy on Social Security Benefits
CP 161Request for Payment or Notice of Unpaid Balance, Balance Due
CP 501Reminder Notice - Balance Due
CP 503Second Request Notice - Balance Due
CP 504Final Notice - Balance Due
CP 521Installment Agreement Reminder Notice
CP 523Notice of Default on Installment Agreement
CP 2000Notice of Proposed Adjustment for Underpayment/Overpayment
Letter 0484CCollection Information Statement Requested (Form 433F/433D); Inability to Pay/Transfer
Letter 0549CBalance Due on Account is Paid
Letter 668D(LP 68)We released the taxpayer's levy.
Letter 0681CProposal to Pay Accepted
Letter 0757CInstallment Privilege Terminated
Letter 1058 (LT 11)Final Notice prior to levy; your right to a hearing
Letter 1615 (LT 18)Mail us your overdue tax returns.
Letter 1731 (LP 64)Please help us locate a taxpayer.
Letter 1737 (LT 27)Please complete and site Form 433F, Collection Information Statement.
Letter 1961CInstallment Agreement for Direct Debit 433-G
Letter 1962CInstallment Agreement Reply to Taxpayer
Letter 2050 (LT 16)Please call us about your overdue taxes or tax return.
Letter 2257CBalance Due Total to Taxpayer
Letter 2271CInstallment Agreement for Direct Debit Revisions
Letter 2272CInstallment Agreement Cannot be Considered
Letter 2273CInstallment Agreement Accepted: Terms Explained
Letter 2318CInstallment Agreement: Payroll Deduction (F2159) Incomplete
Letter 2357CAbatement of Penalties and Interest
Letter 2603CInstallment Agreement Accepted - Notice of Federal Tax Lien Will be Filed
Letter 2604CPre-assessed Installment Agreement
Letter 2761CRequest for Combat Zone Service Dates
Letter 2789CTaxpayer Response to Reminder of Balance Due
Letter 2822CVRU Acceptance of Proposal to Pay (30,60,90, 120 days)
Letter 2823CVRU Monthly Payment Plan Confirmation
Letter 2840CCC IAPND Installment Agreement Confirmation
Letter 3030CBalance Due Explained:Tax/Interest Not Paid
Letter 3127CRevision to Installment Agreement
Letter 3217CInstallment Agreement Accepted: Terms Explained
Letter 3228 (LT 39)Reminder notice.
Letter 4903 (LT 26)We have no record of receiving your tax returns.
Letter LP 47Address Information Request
Letter LP 59Please contact us about the taxpayer levy.

Eight Things to Know If You Receive an IRS Notice or Letter

How To Identify Your Notice

The notice number prints on the top of the first page of all our notices and on the lower left-hand side of the tear-off stub included with most of them. That number identifies the message we deliver in every notice. While the contents may vary somewhat, every notice with the same number has the same basic purpose.

What If My Notice Isn't Listed

You'll find useful information here about many of the notices we send, including the purpose of the notice, the reason we send it, and a list of enclosures we might include with it. There's also sample content for each. Since parts of our notices vary depending on account conditions, the samples may not exactly match the notices we mail. The basic message, though, will be the same.
  • Individual Filer Notices
    Notices we send about Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, or any schedules, forms, or attachments included with it are Individual Filer Notice.
  • Business Filer Notices
    Notices we send about business-related tax forms such as Forms 941, 1065, and 1120, are Business Filer Notices.

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